Admission Checklist
You can download an Admission Checklist here.
Please ensure all of the items on this list are taken care of before coming to Sagashtawao Healing Lodge.
- Please note that the Wednesday prior to intake will be the closing date for applications.
- Complete and submit your Referral Form and Medical Form for review. Before being placed on the waiting list all required forms and test results must be completed and submitted to the Sagashtawao Healing Lodge. If all the proper documentation is not received, your application will not be reviewed.
- Ensure all travel arrangements have been made. Be sure to send a copy of your travel arrangements to the Sagashtawao Healing Lodge. Ensure that you have taxi money to get to and from the Lodge.
Ensure all personal, legal, family, dental, medical, and social business is taken care of prior to admission.
Bring the following items with you:
- Razors
- Hairbrush/comb
- Shampoo/conditioner
- Soap/body wash
- Feminine products
- Sleeping wear or pajamas
- Proper attire for winter, summer, church or sweat lodge ceremonies
- Appropriate sets of clothing
- Prescribed medication (no over the counter drugs allowed)
- Indoor shoes/slippers
All financial arrangements are to be taken care of before arriving at Sagashtawao; however, you should bring some financial allowance/money for personal spending.
Sagashtawao Healing Lodge:
- Laundry products and facilities are available for clients’ use.
- Sagashtawao Healing Lodge is not responsible for lost/stolen monies or valuables; there is a safe that clients can keep their money in.
- Visiting hours begin on the first Sunday of the 3-week program and the third Sunday of the 6-week program from 1:00pm to 4:00pm. SUNDAYS ONLY!
- Absolutely no weapons permitted (knives, sharp instruments, etc.).
- There will be no outside contact for the first two weeks during the six-week program and for the first week in the three week program.
- Phone calls will be made Mondays and Thursdays, starting on the second Monday of the three week program and the third Monday of the six week program. There is a pay phone provided; all clients are required to use phone cards or to call collect.
- Individuals are expected to abstain from alcohol and/or drugs at a minimum of 72 hours at the time of admission. Individuals are not to be on any mood-altering drugs such as Prozac, Paxil, Librium’s, etc.
- Incoming mail will be given to clients on the second Friday of the six week program, and the first Friday of the three week program. The mail will be distributed on Fridays after 1:00 p.m.
Please inform your friends, family, and others that your mail can be sent to:
Sagashtawao Healing Lodge
P.O. Box 99
Moosonee, ON POL 1YO